Driving Creek Railway and Potteries


Scenic Railways Tours Historical and Heritage Attractions For Kids Points of Interest Land Activities


Unique mountain railway, snaking through stunning, 重新种植了贝壳杉林,可以欣赏到豪拉基湾的美景. 野生动物保护区,陶器和工艺品店也在现场.

A true labour of love for potter, conservationist, engineer and fervent railway enthusiast, Barry Brickell, 这条3公里长的小路蜿蜒穿过22公顷的丘陵地带, Coromandel landscape.  Like much of the area, the earth is a rich source of clay, 尽管这里的原始森林被英国殖民者砍伐,以便耕种, 对环境造成灾难性后果.

On acquiring the land, 20世纪70年代(当时还是一片乱糟糟的灌木丛), 巴里经营陶艺集团的原计划, 很快就变成了一个更大的梦想——在他的王国周围修建一条铁路, 不仅使有价值的粘土和木材更容易回收, 而是要恢复森林昔日的辉煌,使它成为一个巨大的可再生资源, environmentally-sustainable park.

It is still a working plantation, 这些火车不仅用来带游客们踏上新西兰风景最优美的铁路之旅, 还要把粘土和木头运回作坊.  每砍伐一棵老松树,就会种植数百棵新的本土树木. 随着时间的推移,这片森林将恢复其原始的、土著的荣耀.

第一条轨道于1975年铺设,多年来一直在铺设隧道, 还增加了高架桥和观景台, at considerable personal cost, 需要超人的土木工程技能, 产生了今天独特而受欢迎的旅游景点. At its highest point, the railway is 165m above sea level and, 在终点站,游客可以欣赏到豪拉基湾最壮观的景色, and beyond.

Along the 1 hour journey, you'll pass by clay pits, lakes, see the new kauri plantings, pass through tunnels, 在高架桥和螺旋轨道上,您可以360度全方位欣赏这令人鼓舞的风景.

Back at the Potteries, 你可以看到巴里的砖厂和作坊, 他在那里花了很多时间扔出最令人惊叹的雕塑, 花瓶和罐子都是从他身后的山上采来的粘土.  这家工艺品店有几十件独特的雕塑和工艺品, 为您的来访提供独一无二的纪念品.  每年接待6万多名游客,建议提前订票以确保有座位.

Opening hours:

Monday - 8am–7pm
Tuesday - 8am–7pm
Wednesday - 8am–7pm
Thursday - 8am–7pm
Friday - 8am–7pm
Saturday - 8am–7pm
Sunday - 8am–7pm


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380 Driving Creek Road, Coromandel Town, Coromandel Peninsula

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